
This entry was written by children for children as part of the 'Touchstones Tour' created by students from the South Australian School for Vision Impaired. For a more detailed history, please see the related entries.

Our next fountain is outside the Art Gallery of South Australia. 

The Art Gallery of South Australia is one of several major cultural institutions that line North Terace between Kintore Avenue and Frome Road. Its fine classical building, with colonnaded portico, opened in 1900. The Gallery houses a large collection of some 38,000 works, with a focus on Australian art, Aboriginal art, British art and Asian art, textiles and ceramics. 

What can you:

  • Feel?
  • Hear? 
  • Smell?

The Art Gallery can be very cool because of all of the historical paintings and statues. It has so many things to look at. You can get there by car, bus and a lot of people go there and I think you will like it. It is next to the Museum on North Terrace. Go east from the train station. - Adeline

For more information about the history of the Art Gallery of South Australia, click here!

By South Australian School for Vision Impaired (SASVI)

This entry was created by the students from the South Australian School for Visioned Impaired (SASVI), Children's University Adelaide as part of a multi-sensory North Terrace experience for South Australia's History Festival. Download the Adelaidia app or visit the Adelaidia Tours page to see the full trail. 

Uploaded 17 May 2017

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Courtesy of/Photographer:Year 4/5/6 students from SASVI
Courtesy of/Photographer:Year 4/5/6 students from SASVI
Courtesy of/Photographer:Year 4/5/6 students from SASVI
Courtesy of/Photographer:Year 4/5/6 students from SASVI
Courtesy of/Photographer:Year 4/5/6 students from SASVI
Courtesy of/Photographer:Year 4/5/6 students from SASVI
Courtesy of/Photographer:Year 2/3 students from SASVI
Courtesy of/Photographer:Year 4/5/6 students from SASVI
Courtesy of/Photographer:Year 4/5/6 students from SASVI
Courtesy of/Photographer:Year 4/5/6 students from SASVI
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