1. Barr Smith Family

    Robert Barr Smith (1824–1915), the son of a Scottish clergyman and his wife Marjory, née Barr, migrated to Melbourne in 1854. Moving to Adelaide just as Thomas Elder’s brothers were leaving South Australia, he threw in his lot with Elder.

    Historical Subject | By Carol Fort | early nineteenth century, early twentieth century, late nineteenth century, late twentieth century, mid nineteenth century, mid twentieth century

  2. Babbage, Benjamin

    Benjamin Herschel Babbage (1815–1878), an English engineer who superintended construction of the first Port Adelaide railway line, was employed by the South Australian Government in 1851 to search for gold. He led two official expeditions (1856 and 1858) that found no gold but surveyed the Flinders Ranges and Far North and established the extent of Lakes Eyre and Torrens.

    Historical Person | By Carol Fort | early nineteenth century, late nineteenth century, mid nineteenth century

  3. Bent Street Mural

    Tony Rosella and Ash Rundle's environmentally and historically inspired artwork on the South Australian Police Building on Grenfell Street.

    Historical Thing | By Hannah Stewart, History Trust of South Australia | 2010s

  4. Bicycles

    From 'boneshakers' to penny-farthings to mountain bikes, bicycles have certainly changed since the 1860s.

    Historical Subject | By Dieuwke Jessop | early twentieth century, early twenty–first century, late nineteenth century, late twentieth century, mid nineteenth century, mid twentieth century

  5. Bonython Family

    Bonython Family is distinguished by a capacity for hard work, a leaning towards public service and significant benefaction to the institutions and people of Adelaide.

    Historical Subject | By Carol Fort & Wilfred Prest | early twentieth century, late nineteenth century, late twentieth century, mid nineteenth century, mid twentieth century

  6. Botanic Park

    Botanic Park has blossomed as a place for informal family gatherings and a venue for public events

    Historical Place | By Jude Elton, History Trust of South Australia | Parklands | 1850s, 1860s, 1870s, 1880s, 1890s, 1900-1910, 1910s, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000-2010, 2010s, 2020s, Aboriginal Country pre-contact

  7. Finniss, Boyle

     South Australia’s first premier was born at sea off the Cape of Good Hope and educated at the Royal Military College, Sandhurst. 

    Historical Person | By Carol Fort | 1830s, 1840s, 1850s, 1860s, 1880s

  8. Brown Street

    Brown Street, running from South Terrace to Grote Street, morphed into Morphett Street in 1967 but the area retains its out-of-the-way feel

    Historical Place | By Jude Elton, History Trust of South Australia | Southwest corner | 1830s, 1840s, 1850s, 1860s, 1870s, 1880s, 1890s, 1900-1910, 1910s, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, early twenty–first century

  9. Sturt, Captain Charles

    A soldier and explorer, Captain Charles Sturt was first to chart the River Murray.

    Historical Person | By Valerie Sitters | North Terrace | 1830s, 1840s, 1850s, 1860s

  10. Carclew

    The youth arts centre Carclew was the starting point of McDouall Stuart’s expedition across Australia in 1861

    Historical Place | By Peter Bell | 1890s, 1900-1910, 1910s, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000-2010, 2010s

  11. Spence, Catherine Helen

    Writer and social reformer Catherine Helen Spence was also the first woman to write a novel about Australia.

    Historical Person | By Susan Magarey | 1840s, 1850s, 1860s, 1870s, 1880s, 1890s, 1900-1910

  12. Catherine Helen Spence statue

    The powerful sculpture of Catherine Helen Spence in Light Square, Adelaide celebrates the life and work of a formidable South Australian.

    Historical Thing | By Jude Elton, History Trust of South Australia | Northwest corner | 1850s, 1870s, 1880s, 1890s, 1900-1910, 1920s, 1980s

  13. Chalmers Church Free Church of Scotland

    The second oldest remaining church in Adelaide, Scots Church is still in use today.

    Historical Place | By Hannah Stewart, History Trust of South Australia | North Terrace | 1830s, 1840s, 1850s, 1860s, early twentieth century

  14. Charles Cameron Kingston Memorial

    A remarkable and feisty South Australian attorney-general and premier, a father of federation and the first Australian Minster for Trade and Customs is commemorated by this statue

    Historical Thing | By Jude Elton, History Trust of South Australia | 1850s, 1870s, 1880s, 1890s, 1900-1910, 1910s

  15. Closer Settlement

    Settlers believed that using land intensively maximised its value and civilised its occupants, and that holdings should be small to allow people to hold land

    Historical Subject | By Bill Gammage | early nineteenth century, early twentieth century, early twenty–first century, late nineteenth century, late twentieth century, mid nineteenth century, mid twentieth century

  16. CML Building

    On the prominent corner of King William Street and Hindley Street, the Colonial Mutual Life (CML) Building is one of Adelaide’s most iconic structures.

    Historical Place | By Alexander Parsons, History Trust of South Australia | Hindley Street, Rundle Mall | 1930s, 2010s, Great Depression

  17. Coopers Brewery

    Coopers Brewery has survived where many others have failed; it is now the only Australian-owned major brewing company.

    Historical Organisation | By Alison Painter | early twentieth century, early twenty–first century, late nineteenth century, late twentieth century, mid nineteenth century, mid twentieth century

  18. Copper Industry

    Copper brought unexpected wealth to the new colony and was an economic mainstay for 70 years, with a resurgence since the 1980s at Olympic Dam

    Historical Subject | By Peter Bell | early twentieth century, early twenty–first century, late nineteenth century, late twentieth century, mid nineteenth century

  19. Cornish

    South Australian mineral discoveries of the 1840s (especially at Kapunda and Burra in the Mid North) and extension of the farming frontier, were a magnet to the Cornish.

    Historical Subject | By Mel Davies | early nineteenth century, early twentieth century, late nineteenth century, late twentieth century, mid nineteenth century, mid twentieth century

  20. Crown and Anchor Hotel

    The current hotspot for alternative and grunge music has a colourful criminal history

    Historical Place | By Hannah Stewart, History Trust of South Australia | 1850s, 1860s, 1870s, 1880s, 1890s, 1900-1910, 1910s, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s

  21. Dardanelles Memorial

    The first Anzac memorial was once an obelisk in a grove of wattles

    Historical Thing | By Jude Elton, History Trust of South Australia | Parklands | 1910s, 1920s, 1930s, 1960s, 2000-2010, 2010s, First World War

  22. Fowler, David

    Merchant David Fowler built a successful grocery business, famous for jams, confectionery and preserved fruit.

    Historical Person | By John Walker | North Terrace | 1850s, 1860s, 1870s, 1880s

  23. Shearer, Mr. David

    Though a manufacturer of agricultural machinery, David Shearer also designed an early car, constructed an observatory, and was a keen artist.

    Historical Person | By Don Beaty | North Terrace | 1850s, 1860s, 1870s, 1880s, 1890s, 1900-1910, 1910s, 1920s, 1930s

  24. Destitute Asylum

    Relief for the poor, the pregnant and the unemployed was a theme from the colony’s commencement

    Historical Place | By Mary-Louise Geyer | North Terrace | 1830s, 1840s, 1850s, 1860s, 1870s, 1910s

  25. Distance

    Geographical position and distance have strongly shaped the European history of South Australia.

    Historical Subject | By Geoffrey Blainey | early nineteenth century, early twentieth century, late nineteenth century, late twentieth century, mid nineteenth century, mid twentieth century

  26. Everard, Dr. Charles

    A physician by training, Charles Everard became a landholder, a farmer and a prominent colonist.

    Historical Person | By Jude Elton and Mandy Paul, History Trust of South Australia | North Terrace | 1830s, 1850s, 1860s, 1870s

  27. Dr John Dowie AM bust

    Different, but a good likeness

    Historical Thing | By Jude Elton, History Trust of South Australia | North Terrace | 2010s

  28. Dunmoochin

    Dunmoochin, built around 1858, was the home of Irish emigrants John and Honora Griffin and their three children. It is an example of the many workers’ cottages built in the West End. 

    Historical Place | By Vedrana Budimir, History Trust of South Australia | Southwest corner | 1840s, 1850s, 1860s, 1870s, 1880s, 1890s, 1900-1910, 1910s, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s

  29. East Parklands

    Despite an inauspicious start as a dumping ground for waste, the East Parklands gradually developed as an attractive centre for recreation in the city. 

    Historical Place | By Margaret Anderson, History Trust of South Australia | East Terrace, Rundle Street east, Southeast corner | 1830s, 1840s, 1850s, 1860s, 1870s, 1880s, 1890s, 1900-1910, 1910s, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000-2010, 2010s
