
31 July 1945

I was born at Quambi Hospital on South Terrace and lived at McLaren Street. The childhood memories I have are still as vivid today as they were 70+ years ago. I lived in a small two bedroom cottage and recall playing in the street. Only one family in my street had a car. I recall a blacksmith in Hutt Street near Carrington Street and my mother saying that is the job to get if you want a job for life. Hunts bakery was also nearby. Trams along Hutt Street were also part of my memories. I attended Keith Sheridan kindergarten. At age 5, I attended Flinders Street primary school. They were great times. The parklands were also a large part of my childhood. I recall a large rubbish dump where the Rymill park artificial lake now stands. The ACC horse and drays collecting rubbish and the many horses delivering ice well before fridges.

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