Essington Lewis was a hard-working industrialist who substantially developed and expanded B.H.P., and was Director-General of Munitions during the Second World War.
Within Catherine Truman’s work, Fish for the Slate Pool Walkway, the tentative nature of life is captured brilliantly from the depths of Truman’s imagination.
George William Hannaford was born on 4 January 1852, the son of farmer George Williams Hannaford and his wife Ann (née Cornish) of ‘Hatchlands’ in Hartley Vale, near Gumeracha, South Australia.
The University of Adelaide is a commanding presence on North Terrace. It began in 1874 when South Australia was less than 40 years old, with a population of about 200,000 people.
Harold Eustace Hill Ling was a joint patent-holder of that indisputable Australian icon, the Hills Hoist, and was responsible for expanding and diversifying Hills Industries Limited.