The main site for joint Australian–British nuclear weapons tests in Australia lies 800 kilometres north-west of Adelaide on the southern edge of the Great Victoria Desert.
Deeply affected by the isolation and loneliness of her early married life, Mary Jane Warnes strived to improve conditions for her fellow countrywomen by founding the South Australian Country Women’s Association.
MC ‘Thistle’ Anderson was a Scottish born actress turned writer. Best known for her pamphlet Arcadian Adelaide; she also published poems and short stories.
This scale model of the spiral staircase in the Newmarket Hotel is just 600 millimetres high, but represents months of careful craftwork. It was made by a young man named Walton Banks and exhibited at the Adelaide Jubilee International Exhibition in 1887.
Morphett Street, named after prominent South Australian colonist Sir John Morphett, was a street in Colonel Light’s Plan of Adelaide in 1837 but in August 1967 it was extended to include Brown Street